My spouse decided to give up her one tablespoon of sugar for her morning cup of tea during the Lenten Period. She went a step further by actually putting that sugar in a separate container.
40 days later, I was shocked to see just how much sugar we (her or I) consume. I mean, our tea mugs are about 16-18 oz. So adding a tablespoon of sugar makes the tea just have enough sugar to taste. In 40 days, the sugar is a whooping 1lb 3 oz. (0.54 kg). At this rate, it means she or I consume approximately 10lb (4.9 kg) per person per year in just that morning cup of tea.
On top of that, there is sugar already added in bread, or breakfast cereals, also in the juice for lunch snack etc. To put it in perspective, there is just so much sugar consumed per person in any given day…
Check your sugar consumption…you maybe shocked just like us. Thanks to my spouse, I am certainly taking steps to cut back on the SUGAR I consume per day…Have a sweet day.