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Online Games

As parents, desiring the very best for our children comes as no surprise. Consequently, we have strived to provide them with electronics so as to meet their school and entertainment needs. We are in a digital age, and often the kids have research, homework and projects to do online. Every now and then, they even have to submit their homework via online…meaning we had to get them an email address.

This ‘online exploration’ has bought on another dilemma…online games. Unlike Video games which one could easily disconnect the device, online games are a breeze and browser away. O! Now we noticed the kids even have made online profiles for their gaming sites.

Aware of the fact that it will be fruitless to fight about the online games, we have resulted to educating them about being ‘digital smart.’ We also challenged them to create their own digital games.


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Golf bags (part II)

Forth, the days for non-standing bags are pretty gone somehow unless you are a pro. Get a bag that can stand on its own. Finally, once you get the bag stock it with only what you need; 14 clubs, a couple golf balls (12 or less hopefully), tees, glove(s). Just remember, a heavy golf bag will only drain your energy and that of your caddie and diminish performance.

Now let’s discuss head covers, putter covers and the like. Covers play a vital role in protecting the clubs from getting chirped and more. However, they have a tendency to drop and get lost. But here is a good piece of advice, if you lose a head or putter cover, before running around the golf course looking for it, empty the contents of your golf bag, especially the irons and look at the bottom of the bag. Bravo! 8 out of 10 times, it will be at the bottom of the golf bag….

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Golf Bags (part I)

Over the year I have been around golfers and certainly dealt  with a good number of them. It often strikes me as to how much thought goes into buying a golf bag. To be honest, I think they need be a class taught on how to buy a golf bag. Don’t get me wrong, many a golfer have approached me to seek my opinion as to what bag to buy.

My basics are simple, first, get a bag that will not show dirt. I mean, when is the last time you saw someone wash a golf bag? Second, be mindful of the strap(s)…if the strap is thread thin, it will get uncomfortable in a couple months. More so a thread thin strap is a turn off for caddies. Third, red color is beautiful, but it will fade in a couple months (you have seen an old red car). To be continued…(part II next)

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Our son came home with a friend!

I happened to be home earlier than usual. Around 3pm, our son walks in and says to his mom. Mom I have a friend who wants a play date. He is outside. I tried to tell him not to come, but he still did.

Not sure what to say, I paused to hear my wife’s reply. Long and behold, she looked straight at me and said…Honey, can you go handle the situation!

That put me right on the spot. I certainly was not about to let her down nor was I ready to make my son look like the boy who has parents from ‘you know where’. I went outside, introduced myself as dad and asked his name. The next question was whether his parents were aware of his whereabouts. He hesitated, so I asked for the phone number to called them up.

After getting his guardian on the phone, I explained to her, that her son was at my house. She was fine with the fact that she knew where he was. Well, the play date was good to go. I bet too, my son was happy to get an age mate to play with. Phew!