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Tears of a six year old…

As a parent, nothing can be more devastating than the loss of a child or loved one. Yet the sad reality is that we are living in such uncertain times. We are greatly sadden by the untimely deaths of 17 youths whose lives were cut short. It is hard to imagine the pain and grief of all their parents, friends and even strangers alike

I left the News channel on, and our 6 year old daughter happened to see and listen to the updates of the Florida mass shooting. I walked back into the living room to find her almost in tears.

“Daddy, this is so sad” she grieved. “It is so sad…they are all dead…” she lamented

I was caught totally off guard by her reaction and at the same time realizing that she had a valid point and reaction. Not sure what to say, and not wanting to say the wrong ‘words’ I suggested to her to change the channel to the Olympics. It calmed her down but in the back of my mind, I know we have a tough talk coming up soon.

What do I say and not what to say? Death is real and uncertain, but we can’t live our lives in fear! Guns and their problems! One thing I know for sure, “the problems we face today, cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.” (Albert Einstein)

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Lifetime Warranty

The North East has been hit with a fair share of bitter cold this winter. While that may be expected, cold weather brings also a fair share of car tire problems. In the particularly cold days, one can notice a good number of disabled cars on the highways or side streets with flat tires. We have been no exception either.

January 2nd had below freezing temperatures and the wind chill, made it worse. We had a flat tire to add to that list. I decided to remove the wheel and take it to the tire shop for repair. I pulled out a 15 inch wrench from the trunk and got to work. One lug nut into the job, I heard a ‘crack.’ Unbeknownst to me, the ‘crack’ sound was not a frozen lug nut coming loose but my favorite handy wrench.

I went out and bought a new one…I had to finish the job! On the new one, I noticed the label read “lifetime warranty.” I contact the tool’s manufacturer and received a ‘return for warranty evaluation’ email. Apex Tool Group, promised to evaluate the broken tool and replace it if deemed reasonable.

Apex Tool Group lived up to their lifetime warranty. They sent a replacement 15 inch wrench to me. Now that’s good business PR. Next time you are out buying a tool(s), look into their products. Just remember to keep the tool’s label for reference in case of warranty needs

Have a ‘lifetime warranty’ kind of day!


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I do not like my little bed

We have a twin-over-full bunk bed. All through last year, our 10 year old had slept on the twin and our 6 year old on the full bed. Given the full bed ample space, she had filled up the extra space with stuffed animals, collectively called flushies.

As a New Year resolution, we decide to have them switch beds since our 6 year old child felt she had grown old enough to start using the top bunk bed. Call it downsizing. Within a couple days, she had noticed that the extra space was no more. It did not take long until she officially put in a petition to have ‘her full size bed back.’

It went like this: “I do not like the top bed anymore. It is not comfy and I do not fit in it. It even says so in The Cat In The Hat book. I do not like the little bed…my feet stick out of the bed and when I pull my legs in, my head sticks out on the other side!” She performed dramatically.

She ended it there. I bet, the story says…I do not like this house too…but am glad she did not go that far. Either way, she has made her point loud and clear. I think the underlying message is that we need a bigger house so that everyone will have their own bedroom. That way, she can have a big and comfy bed.

Have a goodnight!