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Are You Happy Being A Daddy?

[amazon_link asins=’B00NHYV4QK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’drkids-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8f7e11e6-d741-11e8-9142-e3a5a39af379′]

My children have grown up with the TLC from both my wife and I. As time has gone by, they have gotten used to ‘daddy the fixer.’ My kids image of a father, is one who also fixes what is broken and solves challenges (Problems as some refer them too). Name them, from Tooth Fairies that got late to show up, to simple toys or gadgets that mean something to the kids.

It comes as no surprise then that whenever anything is broken or not working as it should, it is brought to my attention. I admit, my handiness is partly because growing up I observed my dad fix a lot of thing. Indeed, if there is anything I am really grateful for as far as my dad is concerned, it is this talent of being able to fix things…he nurtured it without him ever knowing it…

My latest project was rather big. I decided to replace a broken shower stall. While it was not so difficult, it was rather cumbersome. I had recorded the measurements of the broken stall and bought a ‘similar’ one from Home Depot. Only to get home and realize, there is a difference between the inside and outside measurement of a shower stall. I ended up having to order the precise size online and wait for it to be delivered to Home Depot…that saved over $50 in shipping charges.

When I finally picked up the unit, I immediately got to work replacing it. Every now and then, a little frustration showed up and unbeknownst to me, my youngest daughter was keeping tabs. During one of those moments, she walked up to me to offer a hand. Looking straight into my eyes, she asked, “Are you still happy being a dad?”

Taking into account that her question was really important, I cheerfully answered, “yes, I am!” I added that the fact I have them (children) and my gorgeous partner, I was certainly happy being a dad irrespective of all the ‘fixing’ I have to do. In her thinking, being a mum was more appealing since that role requires no ‘fixing’ experience. Well, what would you have said?


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Nature got in the Way

[amazon_link asins=’B01FIXVJK8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’drkids-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’fc4a7ec6-bbc2-11e8-8e11-2bf5f04b2f73′]









I was busy reading an exceptionally interesting and inspirational book (In His Spirit) outside in the yard in early spring, when nature got in the way. A cool gentle breeze blew couple 100’s of maple seeds. They looked like confetti in the air.

Strangely, one of the maple seeds made its way near me instantly grasping my attention. Somehow, it intrigued me momentously as to whether the seed was rotating clockwise of counterclockwise as it made its way to the ground. I tried to ignore the nagging question but my brain would not let go.

In no time, I had put the book down and was busy experimenting as to what the direction of rotations was. I collected a bunch of the maple seeds and threw them one by one. The more I threw the seeds, the more the answer seemed to elude me. Now I was a totally confused scientist and nature had gotten the better side of it. I was however, not letting go.

I had to discover which way the seeds rotated. Consequently, I asked few individuals, and everyone seemed to have a different answer. One person actually said, the clockwise or counterclockwise rotation was depended on what side of the Poles you are on (North or South). Someone had a better idea…he suggested we could record the seeds as the fell. This way we would know the direction of the rotation…

Well,  Over to you…it is clockwise or counterclockwise…?

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So Close To Home

Never did I contemplate that this image could have so much meaning and hit so close to home. I have worked the above event ‘Children’s Cardiomyopathy Golf Outing’ many years…but this year…this event felt so familiar…

Interestingly, when our daughter got diagnosed with cardiomyopathy among other heart issues, I realized that God had prepared us to be her ‘best’ parents. I must admit, I have done many years of school achieving a doctorate in biochemistry. However many feel that I haven’t used my degree (it’s expected you get a degree and work in such a field to utilize it—that’s the world I live in). I know now, my studies prepared me to be a good dad to our ‘heart patient’ daughter.

I have stood firm in my FAITH in God about the challenges she is facing. Indeed, rather than mourn and complain, I thanked God and continue to be grateful to God for blessing us with a ‘miracle’ daughter. Accept whatever happens to you, and be patient when you suffer humiliation, because gold is tested with fire, and acceptable people are tested in the furnace of humiliation (Sirach 2:4).

Earlier this month, we got the nice surprise of being awarded the certificate below. I share it here so as to be a blessing to all.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)

May you have a faith filled day!