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One Year Later…

“As He passed by He (Jesus) saw a man blind from birth.

 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.” USCCB Bible, John 9:1-3.

It is one year to the day since our oldest daughter had a life changing diagnosis ‘Death/Heart failure.’ What started out as a routine sports physical turned out to be a nightmare. I remember getting home from work around 6pm and meeting my darling and daughter on their way out to the ER since her pediatrician had referred us there to get an ECG. The reason for the referral was since her pediatrician could not obtain a blood pressure reading due to a non-consistent heart beat on our daughter. What was more surprising, was that our daughter had no complaints or signs of distress. She was behaving ordinarily and looked normal. She had come from school and everything was normal as usual.

Upon arrival to the ER they had to wait about an hour to be served. However, when the nurse assistant performed the ECG, what she saw made her doubt the results. So, she reattached all the leads again, did another ECG and still got the same ‘weird’ results. At this point, she disconnected the leads, wheeled out the ECG instrument and got another one. She repeated the procedure all over again and long and behold, the results were the same. Bewildered, she left the room, only to return with a colleague. The two rechecked the leads, the ECG instrument and ran the procedure again. THE RESULTS WERE THE SAME! Upon taking those results to the doctor on duty, she sent them back to redo the test since she suspected the leads were mixed up.

The results were similar. The doctor herself made her way to the room and performed the ECG herself. No one could really believe what they were looking at. By this time, my darling had sensed that something was amiss. It did not take long before I got that phone call that sends shivers down the spine. I picked up the phone and she said, “Honey, you need to come to the hospital.”

“Darling, just get the ECG and come home, I answered calmly since I mean, they had gone to get an ECG. What was the big deal!

“Anthony, you need to come to the hospital now! She insisted. More so I thought I heard her call me by name…something that rarely happens. In addition, the tone in her voice spelt trouble. A quick look at the clock revealed it was a little after 10PM. I quickly made sure the other children were asleep and notified a friend to keep an eye on them since I had to run to the hospital.

At the hospital, the look on my darling was enough to say it all. Our daughter on the other side was not really concerned, she was feeling well. In an interesting twist of events, I got to the hospital the same time as the cardiologist. Among the first words from his month was “I usually do not come back to the hospital after I go home!” However, when I got the results, I had to come because of what I saw. I need to send you to a more specialized hospital since your daughter needs specialized cardiac care which we cannot do at this facility, he added. At the same moment, my daughter went on to introduce me as a biochemist – PhD. The cardiologist seized on the moment and pulled me to the side.

He knew the easiest way to connect to another scientist was to ‘show me the data’. Subsequently, so he did. I could not deny the fact the data was disturbing. The heart function of our daughter was certainly far from the norm. Indeed, it was downright “unimaginable!” I slowly put two and two together and realized why he had come back to the hospital from his home. He insisted he needed to send us to another facility to take care of our daughter because he felt she might even need a heart transplant. Initially, I had asked that the referral be delayed to Spring Break which was 3 days away. I sensed the urgency in his voice too. Back in the examination room, he briefed us on what the next steps were going to be. We (my wife and I) agreed to the transfer to another hospital (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). I offered to go with our daughter. My darling drove home to get us some clothing and necessitates while we waited for the ambulance. It was already 1:AM on 3/27 when the ambulance arrived….To be continued.

News about our daughter had spread like wild fire in the hospital. We noticed many personnel just come by and look at her (us). As she walked to the ambulance…people started running to her, giving her hugs and gifts as if to say…GOODBYE… Her mum and I stared on with disbelief, for when we saw the diagnosis written on the transfer paper, it read ‘Death/ Heart failure. We looked at one another and said, SHE (nurse) MUST HAVE MADE A MISTAKE! Mistake or not…everyone was giving our daughter their last affectionate acts…the news about her condition was ominous…

But surely, were they wrong…Our daughter has the same heart, same irregular heartbeat and more…but has continued to live her normal life just like anybody else. You may ask why such a condition that has baffled doctors and experts alike. The answer is simple… Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.” Thus, is God glorified in the life of our daughter…

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Lenten Period

It is that time of the year when people of various walks of life and beliefs make a decision to give up something special as an act of self denial for the reparation of sins. This year is not different either. In deed, there I a lot to atone for. From the scandals in the Catholic Church and in many other churches that are yet to be exposed. In addition, the abuse or abuses in many families that go unreported and covered up. These list of pains and wounds is certainly endless, but as faithful Christians and citizens we can use this Lenten Period to atone for all these sins.

What is important, is not what one decides to give up, but a sincere commitment to fasting and prayer. More so, fasting and fasting in secret that God may bless you one for their faithful acts. Furthermore, give up what you save in the process. For example, one year I gave up a dollar a day for 40 days I sent the money to help a mission ran by missionary priests. For it is in giving that we receive…and a generous giver is a blessed person. Remember the measure in which you give, you shall likewise receive.

In summation, the decision is yours, the sacrifice is yours, and the blessings and benefits are yours as well. However, those acts of kindness, mercy and love not only benefit you but also flow into the world to make it a much better place than it already is. Together we can achieve much. Fast! Pray! Penance!

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Human Heart

Do we really appreciate it enough? 

Heart beat

Its Valentine’s Day…the one day where there are more flowers, affectionate messages and heart symbols exchanged than any other. However, just how much do we value or appreciate the source of all that love or affection. Astonishingly , chances are, in the hustle and bustle of life, the human heart is the least remembered.

The heart is the most efficient pump known to man, working 24/7, beating approximately 86000 to 144000 per day and close to 2 billion times in a lifetime. Moreover, it is the heart that defines a person’s demeanor. For from the heart comes all forms of good or malice. According to St. Mathew, ‘For from the HEART come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy. These are what defile a person.’ Mathew 15: 19-20. It comes as no surprise then that the psalmist prayed, “A clean HEART create for me, God…” Ps 51:12.

We at Dr&Kids have grown to appreciate the human heart in more ways than not. A little shy away from a one-year adversary of a cardiomyopathy diagnosis, over 700 ECGs later we know just how wonderful and mysterious the human heart can be. Take for example, we celebrate every time our daughter has a ‘normal’ heart beat rhythm. In addition, we recognize the 95% times she has an irregular heart rhythm. Every now and then we get a little concerned if her irregular heart rhythm really looks ‘out of place.’ However, she continues to lead a completely normal life with no medication or assistive devices.

As we celebrate Valentine’s day we pray and thank God for all hearts. We thank God as many times as all the heartbeats from all of creation on this day. Altogether, we join the psalmist in praying, “A clean heart create in us, God.” We wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. It is also heart health month, have your heart checked…you may never know what mystery awaits you…

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Daddy, Do You Have Time?

Daddy, Do You Have Time?

Every now and then my daughter will ask if I have time. For her, my having time means we do something together. For example, play a card game, or Snakes and Ladders Game among other things. This past Saturday as we were headed out to do some shopping with her, she asked if I had some free time later.

I laid out my plans of the day for her. Part of my plans included going to help a family friend who needed my assistance. My daughter (7 years old) realized my schedule was somewhat full. Noticing her disappointment, I asked her what she had in mind. Her answer surprised me.

“Daddy, it is okay, you can go help our family friend. You see, you will always have me…but you will not always have him! So, it is okay.” She added with a sad but convincing tone.

I felt my heart sink. At 7 years of age…I did not want my daughter to have to make such tough decisions just to fit in my busy schedule. Consequently, moving forward, I have resolved to make time on a regular basis to ‘just do their’ things. Not that I have not been doing it already…but now, it will be ‘my kids time in their own terms.’ Say a prayer for me…this is not going to be easy…