Do we really appreciate it enough?

Its Valentine’s Day…the one day where there are more flowers, affectionate messages and heart symbols exchanged than any other. However, just how much do we value or appreciate the source of all that love or affection. Astonishingly , chances are, in the hustle and bustle of life, the human heart is the least remembered.
The heart is the most efficient pump known to man, working 24/7, beating approximately 86000 to 144000 per day and close to 2 billion times in a lifetime. Moreover, it is the heart that defines a person’s demeanor. For from the heart comes all forms of good or malice. According to St. Mathew, ‘For from the HEART come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy. These are what defile a person.’ Mathew 15: 19-20. It comes as no surprise then that the psalmist prayed, “A clean HEART create for me, God…” Ps 51:12.
We at Dr&Kids have grown to appreciate the human heart in more ways than not. A little shy away from a one-year adversary of a cardiomyopathy diagnosis, over 700 ECGs later we know just how wonderful and mysterious the human heart can be. Take for example, we celebrate every time our daughter has a ‘normal’ heart beat rhythm. In addition, we recognize the 95% times she has an irregular heart rhythm. Every now and then we get a little concerned if her irregular heart rhythm really looks ‘out of place.’ However, she continues to lead a completely normal life with no medication or assistive devices.
As we celebrate Valentine’s day we pray and thank God for all hearts. We thank God as many times as all the heartbeats from all of creation on this day. Altogether, we join the psalmist in praying, “A clean heart create in us, God.” We wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. It is also heart health month, have your heart checked…you may never know what mystery awaits you…