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Holy Week – Betrayal

For many observing Christians, Holy Week marks a time of deep faith and hope. Starting from Palm Sunday all the way to Easter Sunday, the bible readings carry a theme of suffering, but greater hope at the end. It is this hope that we cling on because that’s the faith.

Among the human pains highlighted include betrayal…such a painful experience especially when one considers that the person that has betrayed them was someone they thought and trusted to always have their back. Betrayal can cause one even to lose their faith in God. However, the word of God says clearly that one cannot be tempted beyond their strength.

Let me share a story. A good buddy was involved in a research group which with time sort of took sides. There were fractions within the research group, and she found herself all alone. Her view was that taking sides in a research environment was immature. It was not a surprise then that she found herself on one side of the island and everyone else on the other side. However, that did not deter her from her studies or research. With time, one of the other researchers slowly won her trust and they would share widely about their studies and life.

Unbeknown to her, he was a double agent. He had actually befriended her with the hope of finding out her plans and aspirations which he would then share secretly with the other group members. As she was nearing the end of her research, the split in the group got worse, but she was not so concerned, she had a friend on the other side.

One day, the group had an outing which she opted not to partake in. Long and behold, when her confidant showed up to ask why, she sensed his dishonesty. Somehow, it all become clear how he had just befriended her in order to get info and then betrayed her. It was devasting. Her world crumbling down. She did not know who to turn too at that moment. She was done.

That was until she attended a church service, the reading of the day was the betrayal of Jesus by Judas for 30 pieces of silver. The homily struck a code with her. The priest asked the congregation, how many of you have been betrayed? She felt the ‘yes’ echo in her heart…but the priest asked another question.

“What had Jesus done to deserve to be betrayed? If Jesus who was sinless, was betrayed…then look at your own pain and ask yourself the same question? You do not suppose to be greater than Jesus? Do You? Jesus forgave those who betrayed him…do likewise and heal”… the priest went on.

This message cut deep into her heart…she felt a weight taken off her and she breathed with relieve. She contemplated she was not greater than her Lord and Saviour…She just had to let her ego go and let go. Wow! she thought…what a lesson she had learned. Her trust though broken, she had found strength and healing in the word of God.

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Time to think Twice.

Just don’t fall for such spam. Really, there is a lot of good people out there…but also a few rotten lemons…who want to make a quick buck anyway they can…like this one below!


I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you.
However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisely.

Your devices have been infected with my malware.
This is a program that installs on smartphones and computers and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners.
It provides access to your cam, messengers, emails, call records, etc.
I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.

It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your devices because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the internet.
During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but one is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial porn videos.

I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact book will suddenly receive these videos.
It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your former life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim.
No one knows where your perversion might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved punishment to stop you.

Better late than never.
As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I.
But my mercy is not free.

Transfer $550 USD to my bitcoin wallet: [deleted]

Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will permanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstall spyware from all of your devices, and disappear from your life.
You can be sure – my benefit is only money.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.

I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have 2 day to send the money.
If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple, just google “buy bitcoin”.

Don’t try to reset or destroy your devices.
It’s not a joke.
I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the videos are published.

Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided address.
I hope this is the last time we hear from each other.

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Merry Christmas & Peaceful 2024

It is that time of the year again when families, friends, co-workers etc. get together for a meal to celebrate various holidays including Christmas. For us at Dr&Kids, Christmas is a joyful celebration. We wish you all our dear patrons and well-wishers, a merry Christmas, happy holidays and a peaceful 2024.

I note, I say a peaceful 2024, since the world at present is full of conflict. Prosperity without a peaceful environment is an illusion. I pray that we all cultivate peace, from families to the entire world. At the end of the day, wars result in the loss of lives, just like you and me. Sorry, I got away from the festive theme, but have a peaceful, joyful season.

Remember, sharing is caring…so reach out to a stranger and put a smile on their face.