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I do not like my little bed

We have a twin-over-full bunk bed. All through last year, our 10 year old had slept on the twin and our 6 year old on the full bed. Given the full bed ample space, she had filled up the extra space with stuffed animals, collectively called flushies.

As a New Year resolution, we decide to have them switch beds since our 6 year old child felt she had grown old enough to start using the top bunk bed. Call it downsizing. Within a couple days, she had noticed that the extra space was no more. It did not take long until she officially put in a petition to have ‘her full size bed back.’

It went like this: “I do not like the top bed anymore. It is not comfy and I do not fit in it. It even says so in The Cat In The Hat book. I do not like the little bed…my feet stick out of the bed and when I pull my legs in, my head sticks out on the other side!” She performed dramatically.

She ended it there. I bet, the story says…I do not like this house too…but am glad she did not go that far. Either way, she has made her point loud and clear. I think the underlying message is that we need a bigger house so that everyone will have their own bedroom. That way, she can have a big and comfy bed.

Have a goodnight!

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Highly publicized and well read author

Three and a half years since completing and submitting my thesis, I have reached a new milestone, over 350 downloads in 40 countries and counting.

Congratulations. You are one of the most popular authors in the Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry Commons this month (Dec. 2017 – Jan 2018. Of the 1316 authors in this discipline your work received some of the highest downloads. Take a look using this link…Bepress AuthorDashboard – Anthony (All downloads since 2014)

I am truly humbled and grateful to God for yet another achievement.

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Dinner Table Talk

Five years back we started having dinner seated together. Previously, we had dinner together, but it was in the living room with the TV on and more. However, hurricane Sandy prompted us to sit together at the kitchen table (It was the only room with lights powered by a portable generator). We have continued thus ever since.

The other night, it was a little silent at the dinner table. I guess everyone was absorbed in having their meal and moving on to evening prayers then bed. It turns out the silence was too much for our 6 year old to stomach.

“Next time, I want to be born into a talking family!” she exclaimed. Not sure what to make of it, I asked her what she wanted us to talk about. She went on to say, she wanted to be asked how her day was, and how was school. We complied and she joyfully shared her day adventures.

Do you talk at the dinner table? We took a hint from a 6 year old girl who is not afraid to speak her mind.