We have a twin-over-full bunk bed. All through last year, our 10 year old had slept on the twin and our 6 year old on the full bed. Given the full bed ample space, she had filled up the extra space with stuffed animals, collectively called flushies.
As a New Year resolution, we decide to have them switch beds since our 6 year old child felt she had grown old enough to start using the top bunk bed. Call it downsizing. Within a couple days, she had noticed that the extra space was no more. It did not take long until she officially put in a petition to have ‘her full size bed back.’
It went like this: “I do not like the top bed anymore. It is not comfy and I do not fit in it. It even says so in The Cat In The Hat book. I do not like the little bed…my feet stick out of the bed and when I pull my legs in, my head sticks out on the other side!” She performed dramatically.
She ended it there. I bet, the story says…I do not like this house too…but am glad she did not go that far. Either way, she has made her point loud and clear. I think the underlying message is that we need a bigger house so that everyone will have their own bedroom. That way, she can have a big and comfy bed.
Have a goodnight!