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Worthless Pennies! Not so Fast, Think Again?!

Times have certainly changed, and so has the value of money, especially the smallest denomination, the penny. Pennies are treated as worthless. It is considered rude to even try pay a bill all in pennies. Needless to say for just a dollar bill, you need 100 pennies…However, despite their worth, or worthlessness, a $1,000,000 is not a million if it is one penny less…i.e. $999,999.99.

I have a habit of picking up pennies that people throw out since to them, those pennies are more of a burden than a blessing. So it happened, someone saw me picking pennies up and lamented that they were worthless.

“Why are you pick those pennies up?” He asked dismissively.

I asked him whether he had any business cards. Luckily he had a couple. I took some of his business cards, threw them on the ground and trampled over them. He got so upset at me.

“You are so rude! Why would you trample over my business card? Don’t you see they have my name and information on them?” He was about to walk away, when I answered him back.

“Wait a minute! I said calmly. You are upset, I trampled over your name…a mortal man whose name is just a name. How do you think God feels when you ignore those pennies, trample over them and do not pick them up? Haven’t you noticed or have you conveniently chosen to forget; IN GOD WE TRUST. Each penny has God’s name on it. The ONLY NAME for which it is written, For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God (Roman 14:11 KJV).”

Bewildered, he looked intently at me and said, ‘thank you.’ Well, now you have it too…pick those pennies up and give God the glory, for He knows, you picked them not because they are worth much, but because God’s name on them is PRICELESS.

Have a penny worth kind of day. Won’t you!

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Congratulations Class of 2018

Congratulations! Class of 2018. Your achievements are truly remarkable. We thank God for showering you with success and abundant blessings. May God continue to bless you.

You have heard it said…if you see something, say something. I tell you however and challenge you from now on, if you see something, say something and DO SOMETHING. We are past the age and time when we expect only those responsible to be in charge of our safety and security. We are living in a time when, we have to do something and not just see and say.

Being grateful is a virtue. Anyone who appreciates receives more. It only takes a few minutes to say thank you…but those few minutes may make the difference between who gets an award or not. People tend to remember kind words expressed to them. So take a moment to pay your dues to your parents/ guardians and teachers. They have earned it…say thank you to them and pray for them to continue being a blessing to you and others.

It interesting to note, the world expects this and that from each and every one of you. The same world has accustomed us to the way to think, dress, speak and so much. However, I challenge you graduates to take hold of the world. Do not listen to the world, make the world listen to you. Start by knowing yourself and being yourself. Live and act in such a way the world will follow you instead of you following the world. Define thy ways, stand firm in your beliefs and stand your ground. Learn and read widely…there is so much wealth hidden in books.

Let me leave you with these words, even the beggar is human a being…do not lose touch with reality. He or she that wins the entire world and yet loses ones soul, is truly lost. Make time to notice the flowers and smell them to savor the rich fragrances they have…Now is here, enjoy! You have in us two professionals, Dr. Mr. and Dr. Mrs.…if you need educational guidance or career help please feel free to ask. We got your back.

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Happy Father’s Day, 2018


We are DR&KIDS wish all men, all fathers and consecrated men (in any capacity – popes, priests, pastors, brothers, monks etc.) a happy Father’s Day. It is an honor and a blessing to be a father. Let’s not forget, we refer to God, as God, The Father, Abba Father and more

It is in this regard then, that, we take this moment to thank God for all men, all fathers and dads. Currently, being a father is reduced to meaning having children. I advocate that any man with a biological child or no child is a father so long as he has acted in that capacity for anyone. For example, St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus is a perfect image of a father. During his time, they were many men, but God choose him only to be the foster father of His son Jesus.

It is our prayer and hope that all men given the same responsibility will follow in the footsteps of St. Joseph and do what is required and rise above their responsibility for those placed under their care. Likewise those men tasked as with mentoring others, will also remain the ideal image and mentors they need to be.

We cannot forget, the beautiful women that have been part and parcel in making some of us biological fathers. Thanks to them, and a bigger thanks to all men who have been the pillars of their families.

As a dad to three beautiful children, I thank God for their gorgeous mother and for them. My priorities as a father have changed drastically this year, after a life scare of our oldest daughter. Previously, I made excuses of having to work and missed some of their important events. Nowadays, I have realized money cannot buy life. Consequently, if my kids have an event, it is a priority, not work or anything else for that matter. May God bless us all.

Have a prioritized Father’s Day…

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Happy Mother’s day ’18

Happy Mother’s Day to all women and especially my spouse, our mothers, grandmothers and more. It is humbling to note that God in His might and omnipotence choose Mary (a lady) to bear His only begotten Son, Jesus. Therefore irrespective of the many objections by various denominational groups against honoring Mary, the Mother of Jesus, I hereby, challenge anyone who feels she deserves no honor to look into their own life and ask themselves why they honor their own maternal mother who is not perfect either. If we as human beings can honor our mothers despite their many faults, then it is right and fitting to honor Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior. Consequently, May God be greatly blessed and honored because of Mary, and for all other women.

For those women, who have not brought a new life into this world, Happy Mother’s Day to you too. For being a mother does not necessarily mean, bringing a new life on earth, but also to any lady who has gone the extra mile to shape and model the life of another human being; you have played your role as a mother…continue to nurture your ‘child(ren)’. A good example of such a person is a godmother, a foster mother, a dedicate woman teacher, a nurse and the list goes on and on.

We are DR&KIDS wish all women a happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you do…the world is better because of you.