Angel’s Yarn
After having undergone a failed ablation procedure to control her ventricular tachycardia (arrhythmias), Goretti wanted something to keep her busy. She was recuperating in a congenital intensive care unit hooked up to heart monitors and IVs ( She requested the Child Life Specialist to teach her how to knit. Goretti’s request was unconventional(most requests are for something to read or play with). However, the Child Life Specialist went out of her way to get our daughter pink yarn and a crochet needle. Slowly and painstakingly, she taught Goretti how to cast on loops and knit a few more loops. She caught on fast. In no time she had made a strip which she turned into a hair band.
Eureka Moment!
We (parents) requested she be allowed to go home and continue her recovery there. She continued to knit. She made a wide rectangular piece which was about 3 inches wide and 7 inches long.
“Daddy, now what do I do with this piece?’ She looked at me puzzled and asked.
“Make it into a cell phone pouch.” I replied after a moment of deep thought.
From that moment she took my phone and used it as a sizing guide. She had completed a beautiful pink piece that was 3 in by 13 in in about 36 hours. She joined the edges with red thread to represent heart disease (see gallery) and added a button to it. I suggested that she add a belt clip knit right onto the back side so that I could wear it on my belt. The finished product looked so beautiful. It fit my phone perfectly and I loved it. I wore it with pride and joy.
Summer Camp?
Her summer camp plans fell apart due to reasons beyond our control. She cheerfully declared that she was turning this cell phone pouch project into her summer project. She priced her product at $15. In addition, she gave her project a name, Angel’s Yarn. (Named after Angel, the cat that loved us and still does – She has continued to make and sell these pouches in an effort to support herself and family as well as research into her heart challenges. She is not letting her heart predicaments stop her, it is just a road bump not a road block!
Something to Take Home
Put it this way, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Spending time in an ICU was just another opportunity to learn something new. Like Goretti puts it, “Every time it rains, it is another golden opportunity to see rainbows.”
Coming Up Soon
In a short while, we will update the website to include the option to order a cell phone pouch and customize it to your liking. Thank you!